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"UCZTA" - Vinyl

"UCZTA" - Vinyl

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This is sanah's third studio album. The titular feast is also an expression meaning having a nice time. Sitting down at the table where people can unite. "Uczta" is great music, but also beautiful, wise lyrics in which everyone will find a part of themselves and their world.

The vinyl contains eleven songs sung by the artist in duets with excellent vocalists. The album contains lyrical, touching compositions - "Mamo tyś łama" with Igor Herbut, "Czesława" with Natalia Grosiak, "Sen we snie" with Grzegorz Turnau, "Baczyński (Write do me letters)" with Ania Dąbrowska, "I miss myself" with Artur Rojek, the "Holy Grail" with Stan, but also charged optimism "Grey World" with Kwiat Jabłoni or lively, almost dance songs, such as "audi" (recorded with the Miętha duo), the lively "Eldorado" with Daria Zawiałow, the song "oscar" created with the support of Vito Bambino or the country style song "last hope" with Dawid Podsiadło.

"I invite you to my table - this time not only to share music, but above all my heart" - with these words sanah encourages you to reach for the album.

Vinyl release date: September 2022

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